ascendance of a bookworm

Spring 2020 Final Thoughts

As 2020 rolls on, the question isn’t “what anime will air next?” but “will us two dorks live long enough to see it all through?” That’s the plan, even if the new normal is us being 48 hours behind deadline. Time isn’t real anymore anyway, but the takes? The takes never change. Except for when they do, and boy did some of them this month. Spring looked promising and still delivered a fair number of hits, but many of this season’s shows lost balance towards the end. Here to break down which ones did and didn’t (and what it all meant in the grand scheme of things), Yata and Haru are valiantly back with thoughts. Dig on in.


Spring 2020 Mid-Season Thoughts

As the world continues to be a mess, this season’s animethe ones that haven’t halted production, at leastcontinue to be pretty damn good. Between the sticky summer weather beginning to rear its head and the crazies taking to the streets from ill-informed sociopathy, this is a damn good time to stay indoors and watch some fuckin’ anime, and that’s what we at FGJ have been up to. However, Haru’s been under the weather lately and needed to prioritize getting rest, so this is a solo Yata mid-season update, with all the rambling, big words, and unproofread self-fellatio you’ve come to expect from the site’s Most Chaotic One. The brand lives on. Buckle up for some aggressively positive takes.


Spring 2020 First Impressions

Born to die, world is a fuck. Spring anime are here. Or rather, some are, some were, and some were going to be, but this pandemic is wreaking havoc on the normal way of things, and Japan’s animation industry has found itself no exception. It’s at a weird time, too—this season had just gotten under way, and since aaaaalmost everything that had planned to premiere did (SAO, Oregairu, etc., we’ll see you eventually), we here at FGJ still have a lot to talk about. So yeah, the bad news: this anime season may be cut short. The good news? If enough series can weather the storm, a lot of great stuff has emerged this time around. Haru and Yata are both here, running down the 21 combined shows they peeped over the last week. What’s worth sticking around for? Find out on this chonkin’ big slate of first impressions.


Fall 2019 Final Thoughts

It’ll be New Year’s in less than an hour but it’s still technically 2019 here in the U.S. and by golly, if barely squeezing in our final thoughts on seasonals at the last hour isn’t the most On Brand move possible, I don’t know what it is. We’re making it work, though; 2019’s coming to a close and we’ll have some year-in-general posts throughout January, but before that, it’s time to qualitatively rule on what we thought of this fall’s offerings. Buckle up and never mind the inevitable lapses in proofreading.


Fall 2019 Mid-Season Thoughts

Put Sword & Shield down. Block out the fact that the holidays are right around the corner. Anime is still airing and for the next however many minutes, we here at For Great Justice are gonna do our damn best to remind you about that. Thankfully, that shouldn’t be too hard; this fall is full of great titles and slow-burning underdogs that could snowball into best-of-the-year contenders if all goes well. Halfway through the season, here are Yata and Haru with their thoughts.


Fall 2019 First Impressions

October has brought a nor’easter to Yata’s corner of the country and tornadoes to Haru’s neck of the woods, but neither could keep us from the better stuff this month had to offer: a whole new slate of anime to check out. It’s the final season of the year and the decade as well, so we each approached this crop of shows with some contemplation and a secret desire to free up some other time. That turned out to be more difficult than expected, however. It may not be quite as loaded as this winter was, but these fall shows aren’t slouching. Which ones have we thinned out? Which ones are our early favorites? Find out below on this update from For Great Justice!
