
Summer 2017 Mid-Season Thoughts

Hey, everybody, and welcome back to a somewhat special mid-season update from For Great Justice. It’s not only time to run down what we’ve thought about many of the summer’s most popular shows since first impressions, it’s also mid-August, which means it’s time to celebrate the site’s third birthday! From the bottom of our hearts, whether you’re stumbling upon us now for the first time or go back as far as our clunky early days, thank you for your continued support and readership. It means so much.

Not gonna lie, all of us are a bit antsy lately, so this may be a quicker than usual batch. Yata and Catche are gearing up to head back to college in a week and Haru has been busy alley-crawling at Anime-Fest the last few days, so we’ve all got a bit on our plates, but that’s rarely stopped us from getting something out there before, and it sure isn’t going to now. What titles held up from earlier in the season? Which have let us down? And where are we drawing the drop line? Find out all this and more below!


Summer 2017 First Impressions

It’s too hot.
Antarctica is peeling apart.
Don Jr. inherited more than just a name and spare Franklins to wipe his ass with.

And yet here we are complaining about anime, because if the world’s gonna end one way or another, we might as well appreciate some rapidly moving pictures in the meantime. There’s just one problem: this season’s not produced quite as many worthwhile ones as the last handful have. For Yata, that means a ton of bubble entries with few clear standouts. For Haru and Catche, that means virtually no standouts whatsoever and a lot of trash. But it’s not our job to remark about the industry as a whole right now. If you’re here, there’s a good chance that what you’re really looking for are our thoughts about each new production on its own merit, and we’re happy to provide! Which titles appear to be at least somewhat watchable? Which ones do we recommend never speaking of again? And can American democracy be salvaged? The answers to at least those first two questions lay in our summer 2017 season first impressions below. Jump on in!


Spring 2017 Final Thoughts

Well, we’re a day behind deadline, but it’s been a hectic seasonal transition here at For Great Justice. Catche had to persevere through a laptop falling apart on him, Haru is drowning in A-Kon merch with no oxygen tank (expect an article on that later this week), and Yata is desperately trying to ignore the fact that there exist people in this world who have already seen the first episode of Violet Evergarden. But we’re not here today to talk to you about shows still around the bend, nor is it yet time to cover what new offerings this summer has started to give us. No, today we’re offering our opinions on the hits and misses of the past three months. Which sequels remained strong? Which titles flew under most people’s radar but deserve more recognition? And was completing Eromanga-Sensei worth it, like, at all? The answers to these questions and more in our spring final thoughts below:


Spring 2017 First Impressions

Greetings, everybody, and welcome to our first impressions on the Spring 2017 anime season, which we somehow managed to finish in between Easter obligations, seasonal allergy fits, and nearly dying in Mad Max-tier traffic. Coming into the season, we noted that there looked to be a swath of potentially decent speculative picks but very few new standouts, especially compared to the somewhat stacked set of sequels. That prediction was more or less accurate, and between Yata, Catche, and Haru, we managed to check out 21 shows, just under half of the total airing this season. What did we love? What did we trash on? And which underdogs scraped by first impressions week this time? Read on to find out!


Winter 2017 Final Thoughts

Welcome back, everybody! Spring’s already encroaching on the end of the winter season, but when it comes to jotting down some thoughts about anime, we’re better late than never. It also couldn’t be helped that Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid didn’t wrap up until a couple hours ago, so while we’re kinda down to the wire here with the seasonal overlap, what would be the point if we didn’t include all that we enjoyed? And what a surprising season it was, with several speculative picks taking off strongly, a couple solid sequels under its belt (2017 truly does look to be sequel heaven), and even our first 10/10 rating in about 2 years. What took that crowned spot? Where did everything else we watched stack up? And most importantly, what’s already contending for the most ridiculous surprise of the year? Kick back and read on as Yatahaze, Catche, and Harubruh run down their winter 2017 final thoughts.


Winter 2017 Mid-Season Thoughts

Well, I was right in predicting we’d get a new update article out in February. Guess I just underestimated how long it would take. But hey, for the first time in a while now, Yata, Catche, and even Haru were all able to dump together some thoughts on what they’ve stuck with this winter 2017 anime season. Some of the highlights are clear, some are…not quite what you’d expect, and there’s a fair bit of gray area in between. What shows have been doing great justice for who, and of course, the juicier question: what’s getting dropped? Read on to find out!

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Winter 2017 First Impressions

Hey everybody, welcome back to For Great Justice. Coming off a strong fall 2016 season, there seemed to be one thought front and center as the anime community approached the start of the new year:

“Ugh, this looks bleak.”

And while for the sake of getting some kicks, we’re bound to agree with that to an extent, there are also some gems in the rough this season worth keeping an eye on. The rest of the world may be entering a scary, unforeseen era which has partially inspired an ongoing scandal within the anime-osphere too, but here at For Great Justice, things remain the same as ever. Below, Yata writes far too much, Haru watches stuff but isn’t able to jot anything down in time, L-K is still floating in the aether somewhere probably, and newcomer Catche makes his return. This first impressions round-up is a bit slimmer than usual, but the world’s mitigating circumstances and a generally below-average season seem like worthy explanations. What’s worth watching? Read on and find out!

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Catche’s Fall 2016 Final Thoughts and Top 10 for the Year

So, 2016 has ended, and with its ending we have a chance to look back and examine all of the anime that came out this year. Now, 2016 actually ended a couple weeks ago, so I’ve decided to make it up to all you faithful readers out there by analyzing this year in the best possible way: By sorting my favorites into an numbered list, as well as having a quick look back at the Fall season.

“Why only the Fall season?” I hear you ask. Well, because I only wrote for this blog during that season.

So, without further ado…



Fall 2016 First Impressions

And just like that, fall is finally here! This season marks the 2-year anniversary of us covering airing shows, which feels like a huge accomplishment in and of itself, but we know we can do more, especially with the relative decrease in our amount of content lately, which is why…

…I’d like to introduce Catche, For Great Justice’s first new writer! Covering our bases with some more action-focused series that have never been as up Yata or Haru’s alley (as well as Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure come mid-season), Catche is a pleasure to work with and we hope you guys enjoy the greater diversity in shows covered with the standard amount of snark you’ve come to expect from us.

And that means for the first time in over a year now, we once again have 3 writers in one article! With a whopping 22 shows under the lens this time, what stands out as our favorites this season? Read on to find out!

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