
Yata’s 25 Favorite Anime: 2010-2014

‘Sup folks, Yatahaze here. About a year ago, I noticed that the majority of the anime I’ve seen is recent, particularly shows from the last five years. I may not be as well-versed in series that came out before then, but I think I’ve seen enough shit and gold from this last half-decade to tell the difference between the two. From 2010 to the present day, I’ve been surprised and somewhat frustrated that a decent chuck of my favorites have escaped large-scale attention in the West. Not all of them, mind you, but a decent chunk, enough so that I decided to compile the following list of my favorite (and frankly, in my opinion the best) anime to come out of the last half-decade.

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Winter 2015 Season Preview (Podcast)

It’s finally here! For Great Justice successfully pulled off a podcast with all three members about a relevant topic! Are you amazed? We’re amazed.

So here’s the deal: we talk about the winter 2015 anime chart according to, in order, as it was on December 3rd when this podcast was recorded. As of this written post, I think the only notable changes were the moving of Rolling Girls into a different spot alphabetically (they removed the “the”) and the removal of the Kyoukai no Kanata film from the movie section. You’ll still hear us talk a bit about the latter’s original series anyway. Otherwise, sit back, follow along, and enjoy the ride as we discuss our thoughts on the upcoming season.

Timestamps for each entry are available if you click the “(more…)” button, or if you were linked directly to this article, they’re plainly visible below. Hoorah.



Hey folks, it’s us again. I think we’ve decided to do these write-ups every three to four weeks or so, for what it’s worth. Now that the fall season has settled into its groove , Yata and Haru are here to run down how a handful of shows are faring. LK will show up eventually. Maybe. Who knows at this point? Oh, and we wish you a happy Thanksgiving and all that. Try not to overeat. Spend your time watching the great stuff you’ve been putting off for so long, and if your opinions happen to align with ours, fantastic.

It’s dangerous to go alone though. Take this:

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First Quarter Thoughts – Fall 2014

“It’s the end of the first quarter and the Great Justices have a 14-0 lead over the Rest of the Anime Blogging Community. Spectacular touchdowns by this great duo.”

Not really, but it never hurts to dream, right?
Haru and Yata run down what they’ve stuck with past the season pilots, as well as address two shows carrying over from the summer season. Here are our thoughts on fall, one-fourth in.

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First Impressions, Fall of 2014

Ah yes, the fall season of 2014 has begun and with that, a ton of fresh new anime for us to sort through. Seriously, this season is jam-packed with shows, and Yata and Haru have sifted through the vast majority of them. And this third guy, L-K? He will appear before us one day. He’s had his hands full figuring out this podcast thing for this season’s preview, which is sort of….late. But we’re still figuring this out and not everyone checked out the same things as one another, we’ll get there when we get there! Without further ado, let’s get going.
